ENU and QazBioPharm intend to create new drugs and technologies together

Today L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University and JSC “National Holding “QazBioPharm” signed a cooperation agreement. The document provides for the implementation of joint educational projects for training, scientific research in the field of biology, biotechnology, virology, ecology, genetics and other areas, as well as their commercialization. The agreement was signed by Rector Yerlan Sydykov and General Director of JSC “National Holding “QazBioPharm” Kunsulu Zakarya. Within the framework of the agreement the research university and the holding intend to develop cooperation in the sphere of educational, scientific-technical and innovative activity.
So from this year will be developed joint programs of training of necessary specialists for the domestic pharmaceutical industry. For the purpose of training of scientific personnel of ENU and QazBioPharm a joint dissertation council will be created. The holding will become a base for industrial and scientific training of ENU students.
“At the recent opening of the first session of the Parliament, the Head of State noted that the development of the national economy should be based on the achievements of science. At that, it is not enough only to get patents, write articles, scientific developments should be widely implemented in production, contribute to the growth of the economy. The special mission in this connection belongs to research universities, in which now is transformed ENU. Today’s agreement with the holding QazBioPharm, in the asset of which the successful development and release of domestic vaccine against coronavirus, the first biopharm factory on GMP standards opens great prospects for improving the quality of training, joint research, as well as commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities of both scientists of the university and the holding”, – said Yerlan Sydykov.
“We will carry out joint training, as “QazBioPharm” needs highly qualified specialists in the field of biological safety, biotechnology, pharmacy, genetics. The agreement with ENU, which is currently included in the top three hundred universities, has a significant scientific potential creates a solid scientific and educational platform for the realization of mutual goals, including biosafety and development of domestic pharmacy,” – said Kunsulu Zakaria.
ENU and QazBioPharm intend to carry out joint development and production of new drugs and technologies. Scientists will conduct joint research work in the field of biology, biotechnology, virology, ecology, genetics. It is also expected to commercialize scientific projects of the university scientists in the field of biology, biotechnology, as well as the development of new drugs.